Moving along!

This week we used all of the things we’ve been learning and used them to play games and have fun!

With the first group we practiced our colors and listening skills by doing activities with a colorful parachute, different colored balls and balloons. Photos to come!

In group 3/4 we learned about actions running, walking, swimming, sleeping, jumping, etc. and practiced doing each thing a certain number of times. We were very active! Next we had a relay race of blowing paper across the floor using gigantic straws. We cheered on our friends and talked about who came in first, second, third and fourth place. Unfortunately I was too into the competition to remember to take photos or videos, but we may have to do it again as some kids may want to challenge the reigning champion’s Megastraw blowing title!

Some songs we did in class:

20 See You Later Alligator (Goodbye

10 I See Something Blue

05 Walking Walking

01 01-Get Moving

04 One Little Finger

 Happy listening!

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